
作者:张鹤泉</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:东汉时期,吊祭是丧葬活动中的重要仪式。在皇帝、贵族、官员的丧礼以及平民的丧葬活动中,吊祭是表达对死者哀思的一种重要的方式,但由于社会等级差别,吊祭的方式并不相同。在国家丧礼中,吊祭的不同方式体现丧礼规格的差异。在私人丧葬活动中,吊祭受到各种社会关系的影响,因而成为吊祭者与丧主联系的一种方式。

关键词:东汉 丧葬 吊祭

Title: A Textual Study of the Funeral Condolence during the Eastern Han Period

Author:Zhang Hequan, Professor, Institute for the Study of Ancient Chinese Books, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China.

Abstract:During the Eastern Han(Late Han) period (A.D. 25-220), condolence was an important activity in funeral ceremony. In the funerals of the Emperors, nobility, governmental officials, and even commoners, condolence functioned as a major way to express grief to the decedents. Due to social classification, however, the manners of condolence were diversified. In the official funerals of all levels, a particular way of condolence reflected the official position and rank of the decedent. In the private funerals, on the other hand, condolence mainly reflected the relationship between the funeral attendees and the decedents.

Key words:Eastern Han Funeral Condolence

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