
作者:王海燕 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:古代日本的五月五日礼仪,始自7世纪初,形成伊始受到中国夏至理念的影响。至8世纪律令制国家确立后,五月五日节仪成为体现天皇与全体官人政治关系的重要国家礼仪。中国民间五月五日习俗中的菖蒲、续命缕等道具成为律令制五月五日节仪的必要组成要素,避邪除灾的观念也随之被融入五月五日节仪之中。

关键词:古代日本 五月五日 礼仪 律令制国家

Title:The Chinese Elements in the Rites of Ancient Japanese May Fifth Festival

Author:Wang Haiyan, Associate Profess, History Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028

Abstract: The Rites of May Fifth Festival in Japan came to being in the early 7th century. From the beginning, they were influenced by the Chinese idea of the Summer Solstice. By the time of 8th century when the centralized law and edict state was established, these practices obtained important state ritual status reflecting the relation order between the emperors and all the subordinate officials. Several items used in these rites, such as calamus, can be traced back to the Chinese custom of celebrating the May Festval. Along with the introduction of these items, some ideas attached on them, such as evil and disaster protection, were adopted in the practice of these rites.

Key words:Ancient Japan May Fifth Festival rites ritsuryo polity

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