为我学世界古代史引路的老师 ——怀念日知林先生

作者:</font><strong><font size="3">刘家和 </font> </strong> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

Title:Professor Lin Zhichun: The Guider leading Me to the Area of Ancient World History

Author:Liu Jiahe, Professor, Institute of Historiography, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China 100875.

Abstract:Professor Lin Zhichun inspired and encouraged his pupils in more than half a century. Since the early 1950s, Professor Lin took the responsibility to lead the whole process of learning from the Russian historians. It was in that way that the Chinese historians started their exploration of ancient world history. He translated several Russian text books, organized the very first ancient world history graduate study program, and initialed the one and only advance ancient world history teacher training program. In his teaching, Professor Lin demonstrated distinguished ability of using Russian, English, German, Latin and other languages. He kept the principle of using original data in historical studies and linking up the study of Chinese history with the study of other histories. It was why he eventually transcendented the limit of Russian paradigm and established his own systematical understanding of ancient civilizations. In guiding the thesis writings of his students, Professor Lin's personality as a great scholar impressed many which have generally become spiritual assets to all people who have worked with him.

Key Words:Professor Lin Zhichun; the history of ancient civilizations; world history

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