
作者:<strong> 苏小华 </strong> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

Title:The Characteristics of the Liu Zhen (六镇, Six-towns) Regional Society after the Capital Relocation to Luoyang by the Northern Wei Dynasty

Author:Su Xiaohua, Lecture, Faculty of History and Culture, Shanxi Normal University , Xi-an, China 710062

Abstract:After the relocation of the capital by the Northern Wei, the Six-town area's transformation towards Xianbei culture was slowed down and the Han culture orientation developed gradually. It became a mixture of many ethnic groups and cultures. Indigenous blood ties of the rural peoples were broken up and a newer social fabric with neighborhood connections, marriage ties, and friendship as the key links was formatted. Lacking a fully developed literary education system, people in this area developed strong ability of warfare. These characteristics impacted the history of the later dynasties.

Key words:Northern Wei Dynasty; the Six-towns; regional society

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