提 要:本文是2006年伦敦第21届世界拜占庭大会开幕式上的主题发言。从公开、自觉的夸示,世俗生活模式的展示和教俗势力所禁止的习俗表现等3个方面阐释了拜占庭帝国在历史上和现实中“展示”(display)自己的方式,并指出,21世纪拜占庭研究者的任务就是探寻拜占庭文明对其周边世界的影响,将其“展示”于天下。
关键词:拜占庭的“展示” 自觉意识的 世俗的 被禁止的
Title: Byzantine Studies on Display
Author:Judith Herrin, Professor, King’s College, London UK
Translator:Wang Qiao, Doctoral Candidate,Faculty of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China
Abstract:“Display” is the term chosen to be the theme of the 21stInternational Conference of Byzantine Studies. This paper, originally as the key tone speech in this conference, addressed how the Byzantine Empire has presented itself in the past and the present, namely, the explicit and self-conscious display, the mundane patterns of everyday life display, and the prohibited custom display. It concludes that the task of the Byzantinists today is to further explore the influences of Byzantine civilization to the world around it and present the results to the public.
Key words:Byzantine display the 21stInternational Conference of Byzantine Studies