
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:





王权 神权


the Relationship of the Ptolemaic Egyptian Kingship with the

Religious Authorities

Author:Guo Zilin, Associate Research

Fellow, Institute of World History, Social Sciences Academy

of China, Beijing, 100006, China

Abstract:Ptolemaic Egypt was an important

historical period during the development of ancient Egypt.

It was the fact that the kingship had been struggling for

the power with the religious authority in whole history of

Pharaoh Egypt. However, the relation between the kingship

and the religious authority changed largely in Ptolemaic

Egypt so that the former had successfully controlled the

latter. It was mainly led by the followings. Firstly,in

light of the experiences of Pharaoh Egypt, the kings in

Ptolemaic Egypt adopted some political and economical

policies which were propitious to strengthen the kingship.

Secondly, the lower grade and rank status of the priesthood

made them be out of the government. Lastly, based on the

Greece culture background, the kings refused to give the

power to the priesthood and temple in Egypt. Fundamentally,

it was the kingship bald-facedly made use of the religious

authority that made the Ptolemaic dynasty losing the

supporting of the local Egyptian.

Key words:Ptolemaic Egypt Kingship Religious Authorities

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