作者:王帅</font> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:西周晚期窖藏偶见一类深腹曲柄的青铜斗形器出土,如2006年扶风五郡村西周青铜器窖藏3件夔龙纹斗形器及1976年扶风黄堆云塘窖藏出土的两件伯公父爵等。以往学界多将这些器物归入挹酒器类,实际上两者器形特征异大于同,对这类形制特殊器物的定名和用途进行研究是十分有意义的。本文拟在前人研究的基础之上,依器形、铭文等对其做进一步探讨。
关键词:斗形器 献爵 献酒
Title:The Usage of the Recently Unearthed Bronze Dipper-like Vessels
Author:Wang Shuai, Doctoral Student, Faculty of History and Culture, Shanxi Normal University, Xi’an, Shanxi, 710062, China
Abstract:Among the recently unearthed late Western Zhou vessels, some bronze dipper-like items are found occasionally. The three vessels with Kuilong (夔龙) pattern decoration discovered in Wujun Village in Fufeng county in 2006 and the two vessels with Bogongfu Jue (伯公父爵) characters on them from Huangyun Dui in Fufeng county found in 1976 are all this type of vessels. Previously, these items are classified as smaller handled containers to obtain liquid from larger containers. In a closer examination, however, there are important shape and usage differences among those items. Therefore, re-identification of those vessels, including their classification and usage explanation, is necessary. For such a purpose, based upon the predecessors' researches, this article presents a newer suggestion about the shapes and engraved inscriptions on those vessels.
Key words: dipper-like vessels bronze ritual vessels wine presentation