作者:曹胜高 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:先秦诸子的天人观建立在远古天帝崇拜的基础上,先后形成了天命、天志、天德、天道诸说,由此造成了诸子思想的分野。这些观点在春秋时期不断融合:天命说不断弱化,演化入政治学说;天德说得以细化,形成了伦理学说;天志说逐渐衍化,归入宗教学说;天道说在融合中分途,逐渐成为义理和伦理的象征。
关键词:天人观 先秦诸子 分野与融变
Title: The View of Heaven-human Relation and the Divisions and Interfusions of the pre-Qin Thinkers
Author: Cao Sheng-gao, Faculty for Asian Civilization Studies, Northeast Normal University, Changchun,130024, China .
Abstract:Pre-Qin thinkers' concepts of heaven-human relationship were based on the worship of Heaven as the lord. They acquired in succession the doctrines of the mandate of heaven (Ting ming天命), the will of heaven(Tian zhi天志), the virtue of heaven(Tian de天德), and the way of heaven(Tian dao天道). These doctrines interacted and reconciled gradually during the Spring and Autumn period. The doctrine of the mandate of heaven gradually declined and interfused with the view of the politics; the doctrine of the virtue of heaven unceasingly subdivided and interfused with the thinking of ethics; the doctrine of the will of the heaven gradually developed and interfused with religions; while the doctrine of the way of heaven gradually developed into a core concept of ethic and ultimate truth.
Key words:View of Heaven-human relation; pre-Qin thinkers; Divisions interfusions