作者:周颂伦 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:绳文农耕论与弥生稻耕论,是两种截然对立的观点,争论的焦点关系到日本文化本源来自何方,是日本自产还是大陆文明渡海传播。绳文农耕论以照叶树林文化论为背景,两者互为表里,相互支持,形成多数派意见。但不能否定弥生稻耕论的合理性,仍是该说一贯的困境。
关键词:绳文农耕 烧荒陆耕 弥生稻耕 照叶树林文化 渡来人史观
Title: The Origin of Japanese Agriculture:The Theories of Jyoumon Agriculture and Yayoi Rice-cultivation
Author: Zhou Songlun, Faculty for Asian Civilization Studies, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China.
Abstract:The theory ofJyoumonagriculture(绳文农耕论) and the theory ofYayoirice-cultivation(弥生稻耕论) are two hypotheses countering with each other in the area of the origin of agriculture in Japan. The key issue of the dispute is about whether the Japanese Culture was indigenous or introduced originally from the civilizations in the Asian-European continent. The theory ofJyoumonagriculture, supported by the theory ofLaurisilvaeCulture(照叶树林文化论), has become the mainstream opinion among the Japanese scholars. Nevertheless, the holders of this theory have been avoiding direct debate with the scholars who have been holding the theory ofYayoirice-cultivation. It is thus remains a bewildering opinion.
Key words:Jyoumonagriculture; slash-and-burn cultivation;Yayoirice-cultivation;LaurisilvaeCulture; migrant perspective of history