
作者:<strong>十七世纪前期日本宗教思想界的徘徊 </strong> 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:以佛教僧侣身份皈依天主教的传教士巴比庵于1605年著《妙贞问答》,对当时流行于日本主要宗教神道教、儒教、佛教进行了批判。15年后,他又以天主教叛逆者的身份著《破提宇子》,对天主教进行了反批判。批判与反批判,反映了当时日本宗教思想界对外来宗教、信仰徘徊不定的态度。

关键词:巴比庵 《妙贞问答》 《破提宇子》 日本宗教信仰

Title:FromDialogue between Myoshu and YuteitoDeus Refuted: A Case Study of the Hesitation of the 17 th Century Japanese Thinkers

Author:Li Xiaobai, Associate Professor, Institute of the History of middle Ages, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024

Abstract:In 1605, Fucan Fabian(巴比庵), a Japanese thinker converted from a Buddhist monk to be a Jesuit , wroteDialogue between Myoshu and Yutei(Myotai Mondo), in which he criticized Shinto, Confucianism, and Buddhism, which were all popular in Japan during that time. 15 years later, Fucan Fabian, when an apostate of Christianity, completed another book entitledDeus refuted(Ha-Deus), in which he turned to criticize Christianity. His position changes and criticism to both Christianity and other believes, reflected the hesitation and dilemma of the17th century Japanese thinkers in regarding to foreign religions and believes.

Key words: Fucan BabianDialogue between Myoshu and Yutei Deus refutedJapanese religion

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