
作者:周春生 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:本文从国家权力的视角对韩非和马基雅维里相关政治思想进行比较研究。一方面积极评价了韩非和马基雅维里在不同历史背景下对构建强大国家权力系统的敏锐时代意识,另一方面对两人在如何构建强大国家权力系统问题上存在的诸多思想文化意义上的本质区别做了比较分析。

关键词:韩非 马基雅维里 国家权力

Title: Similarities and Differences of Theories of State Power by Han Fei and Machiavelli

Author:Zhou Chunsheng, Professor, Shanghai Normal University, 200234

Abstract:This thesis carries out a comparative study on Han Fei(韩非) and Machiavelli's political thoughts focusing on their views of state power. It positively appraised Han Fei and Machiavelli's acute consciousness of constructing strong state power system in different historical backgrounds. On the other hand, this article comparatively analyzed the fundamental intellectual and cultural differences in their ideas referring to how to construct state power system.

Key words:Han Fei Machiavelli state power

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