作者:张文安 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
摘 要:盘古神话不是原始先民神话思维的遗存,与域外神话传播无关,而是先秦道家宇宙论哲学思想在发展过程中渐次综合天文观念中的“浑天说”和纬书中的“三皇”传说以及道教神学理论等文化因素最终在三国时期形成的。盘古的原型是“道”、“太极”、“混沌”等宇宙本原概念。中国古代创世神话不发达并且相对晚出 , 这是人类文化多样性特征的体现。西方进化论神话理论不适宜用来研究中国神话。文化要素分析法是21世纪中国神话学研究的理想方略。
关键词:盘古 创世神话 道家 宇宙论哲学 进化论 文化要素综合
Title: Philosophy of Cosmogony and the Fable of Pangu Creation
Author:Zhang Wen-an, Post Doctoral Fellow, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, 130024
Abstract:Fable of Pangu (盘古) creation is not a survival of primitive people's mythological thinking. It has nothing to do with the fables introduced to China from outside. It was created in the Three Kingdom period based upon the pre-Qin philosophy of cosmogony which in its development gradually synthesized with the theory of sphere-heavens, the legend of the Three Emperors contained in the books of augury, and the Taoist theology. The prototype of Pangu is from the older concepts of universe, such asTao(道, the ultimate way),Taiji(太极, the great ultimate), and Hundun (混沌, primal chaos). The myth of creation in ancient China was not flourished early but appeared rather late, which is a reflection of human cultural multiplicity in world history. The Western evolutionism is not effective in the study of Chinese mythology. The methodology of cultural elements analysis is an ideal choice for conducting the study of Chinese mythology in the 21st century.
Key words:Pangu Myth of Creation Daoism Philosophy of cosmogony cultural elements synthesized