
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

VOLUME 6, 1991



Trevor Bryce. The Trojan War in its Near Eastern context 1

Rainer Hannig. Die Erste Parabel des “Lebensmüden” (LM68-80) 23

George Huxley. Cities given by Kyros to Pytharchos 33

Werner Schuberl. Zur Sage von Hercules und Cacus bei Vergil (Aen.8, 184-279) und Ovid (Fast1.1, 543-586) 37

Shen Chen. The Mushabian relationships with the Geometric Kebaran and the Natufian 61

Lilia Bayun. Hittito-Luwian historical phonology 97

Volume 7, 1992




Hanna Roszkowska-Mutschler. “…and on its site I sowed cress…” Some remarks on the execration of defeated enemy cities by the Hittite kings 1

Charles Crowther. The Decline of Greek Democracy? 13

Li Ping. Was heißtes, der Natur zu folgen? Reflexionen über die Ethiklehre von Seneca und Konfuzius, bzw. Menzius 49

Paul Pascal.A medieval poet and his society 67

Victoria Ukolova. Three defeats or The happy life of Flavius Cassiodorus 77

Luigi Capogrossi-Colognesi. R. von Jhering and the first volume of theGeist des römischenRechts 109

Alexander Militarev and Victor Shnirelman. The Problem of a Proto-Afrasian homeland and culture (A essay in linguo-archaeological reconstruction) 121

Lilia Bayun. A Phrygian word in Hieroglyphic Luwian 131


Maya Vassileva. The Six International Congress of Thracology 141

Maya Vassileva. The Second International Symposium for Thracian Studies 142

Gong Xiuhua. The 1992 meeting of the Chinese Society of Ancient and Medieval World History 143

M. A. Theses and Ph. D. Dissertations, 1988-1992, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University , Changchun 145

Volume 8, 1993




Lin Zhichun, Zhou Gucheng, Wu Yujin, Zhang Zhenglang, Hu Houxuan

Zhou Yiliang, Ren Jiyu, Zhang Zhongpei, Liu Jiahe, The Study of Classics in China and the West 1

Gary Beckman, From Cradle to Grave: Women's Role in Hittite Medicine and Magic 25

Charles Crowther, Foreign Judges in Seleucid Cities (GIBM 421) 40

Hao Jitao, Peasant and State in Classical Athens and Zhou China : A Comparative Survey 78

H. Craig Melchert, A New Anatolian ‘Law of Finals' 105

Wu Yuhong, The Extent of Turukkean Raids during The Reign of Šamši-Adad I 114

Iris von Bredow, Zum Problem der namenlosen Gottheiten nach altanatolischen Quellen 127


The Birth of the Gods, by Ivan Venedikov (Maya Vassileva) 136

The Hittite Dictionary of the Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago, edited by Hans G. Güterbock and Harry A. Hoffner, Volume L-N. fasc. 1-4 (Lilia Bayun) 141


Professor Wu Yujin(1913-1993) 147


Ph. D. Dissertation 1993, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University , Changchun 148

Volume 9, 1994




Lilia Bayun, The Legend about the Queen of Kanis: a Historical Source? 1

Charles Crowther, Lord Dufferin's Grand Tour and the Collection of Greek Inscriptions at Clandeboye 14

Charles Crowther, Foreign Courts on Kalymna in the Third Century B.C. 33

Johannes Irmscher, Der Demokratismus der frühbyzantinischen Zirkusparteien 56

Allyn Kelley, Foreign Domination and Cultural Absorption: a Comparison of Egypt's African Pharaohs (Dynasty 25) and China 's Mongol Overlords (Yuan Dynasty) 62

Bernhard Kytzler, “In medio mihi Caesar erit” III: Zu den Zentren der Eklogen Vergils 75

Liu Jian, Hittite Women Singers:MUNUSzintuhiand MUNUS KI. SIKIL 82

Edmund S. Meltzer, A Note on the Employment of the Dedication FormulaIR.N.F M MNW.Ffor Non-Royal Individuals 95

Vladimir Orel, Notes on Eteo-Cretan 99

Johan de Roos, The Hittites and their History 104

Wang Yaping, Zur Entwicklung des Wiener Stadtrechts. im 13.Jahrhundert 115

Wu Yuhong, The Treaty between Shadlash (Sumu-Numhim) and Neribtum (Hammi-Dushur) 124

Zhang Qiang, The Origins of Seals and Sealings in China 137


Death and Taxes in the Ancient Near East, ed. Sara E. Orel (Edmund S. Meltzer and Tova W. Meltzer) 144


M. A. and Ph. D. Dissertations 1993-1994, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University , Changchun 150

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