作者:李 卓 张暮辉 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:中国历史上的科举制曾经对周边国家产生过重要影响,律令时代的日本也实施过通过考试录用官吏的制度,简单地说日本没有实施过科举是不符合实际的。然而,不可否认的是,日本并没有出现科举的繁荣,科举选官制度也没有在日本长期延续。其原因在于贵族势力强大,使日本缺乏实施科举的社会基础。无科举这一点对日本历史影响深远,实用主义教育的发展,西方文化的传播,尚武精神的形成,人才成长的多元化等都与无科举有关。
关键词:日本 科举制度 教育 贵族 等级制度
Title: Civil Service Examination System and Japan
Author:Li Zhuo, Professor, Faculty of Japanese Studies, Nankai University, Tianjin, China 300071; Zhang Muhui, Student, Faculty of International Relations, Beijing University, Beijing, China, 100871
Abstract:China's Civil Service Examination system brought great influence to its neighbor countries in history. Among these countries, Japan implemented this system to select governmental officials during the “Law and Status Era”(律令制时期). Therefore, simply stating that Japan has never implemented civil service examination system is against the facts. However, what is undeniable is that this system never flourished in Japan, nor did it last for long. The reason of that lies in the existence of a powerful aristocracy in Japan which leads to the lack of the necessary social groundwork for such a system. Without a fully flourished and lasting civil service examination system, Japan instead developed pragmatism, militarism, and pluralism in its education practices. These elements eventually contributed to the spread of Western culture in Japan.
Key Words:Japan Civil Service Examination System education Aristocracy Hierarchy