关键词:明代 国家祭祀 “天” 政治文化
Concept of Heaven in the State Sacrificial System of the
Ming Dynasty: An Analysis from A Political Cultural Point of
Author:Li Yuan, Lecturer, Faculty for the Study of
Asian Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun
Jilin, 130024, China
sacrifices to the heaven is the core of the state worship
system of the Ming Dynasty. By offering sacrifices to the
heaven, the rulers demonstrate and influence people’s
interpretation of the ultimate order of the world and the
nature, which in turn lead and confirm the legitimacy and
rules of the existing political power. This ritual activity
reflects that fundamentally in the Ming political culture,
the heaven is the paramount and unique authority in abstract
terms. As a symbol of ultimate and holy existence, the
heaven is above all natural and social existences
representing the ultimate standard of justice. Meanwhile, in
the practices of the people lived in the Ming times, the
heaven sometimes appears with characteristics of nature or
human, which reveals the complicacy of the heaven in the
mind of the Ming people. The emperors, Confucians scholar
officials, and the commoners in society actually had varied
interpretations about the heaven, which should be taken as
an important aspect in our understanding of the Ming idea of
universe and society.
Key words:Ming dynasty state
worship the heavenpolitical culture