作者:王大庆 时间:2016-09-29 点击数:
提 要:林志纯先生(笔名“日知”)是我国世界古代史研究领域的开拓者和领路人。历史比较研究是日知先生学术研究中一以贯之的指导思想之一,他不但对历史比较研究方法本身有着深入的思考,而且还身体力行,把这种方法充分运用到了整个中外历史研究的实践当中,并取得了丰硕的成果,不仅开辟了一片新的研究领域,而且还提出了许多富有启发性和创造性的学术观点和研究课题。
Title: On the Thought, Practice and Features of Lin Zhichun’s Comparative Historical Research: Notes based onCollective Works of Rizhi
Author:Wang Daqing, Associate Professor, School of History, Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China.
Abstract: Professor Lin Zhichun (pseudonym. Rizhi) is one of the founder and leading scholars in the area of ancient world history in China. Comparative study is a theme in his academic research throughout his whole career. He not only thought deeply at the method of comparative history, but also used the method successfully in many case studies about ancient China and other ancient civilizations. His fruitful comparative researches eventually opened up a new research field for Chinese academic community, contributed many illuminating and creative viewpoints, and raised some new academic issues for further study.
Key words:Lin Zhichun; comparative studies of history;Collective Works of Rizhi