作者:朱红林 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:《周礼》大宰九式是规范国家财政支出的法律规范。国家的各项财务支出,都要遵照相应的“式”或“式法”执行,年终财务审计也以式法为依据进行考核。式有规范、方法之义,但《周礼》中的“式”或者说“式法”,具有很强的法律规范的性质,对后世影响不小。出土秦简和汉简中都有《效律》,是秦汉国家财务审计的专门律法,对《周礼》大宰九式的作用相同,两者之间也许存在着一定的渊源关系。
Title: A Study of the Nine Styles of theDazaiSection inZhou Li
Author:Zhu Honglin, Professor, Institute of the Chinese Ancient Document and Collaborative Innovation Center of Unearthed Documents and Ancient Chinese Civilization Studies, Jilin University, Changchun, 130024, China.
Abstract: The nine styles of theDazai(大宰)section inZhou Li(《周礼》) refers to the regulations of the governmental expenditure. All governmental expenses were supposed to take place based upon the rules given in according style and it would be audited by the year-end. The word style(式) usually means norm and method, it is here inZhou Li, however, means restrict legal norms. The unearthed bamboo slips dated to the Qin Dynasty and the Han Dynasty also include sections calledXiaolv(效律) dealing with state financial audit. The content of these sections are similar to the nine styles inDazaiand certain historical connection between them might be considered.
Key words: Zhou Li; Nine styles inDazaisection; the Warring State period; financial regulations