作者:王坤鹏 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:异族邦伯作为一类政治团体早在商代已经存在。西周时期的异族邦伯品类复杂,部分与周关系密切,臣服较早,在伐商过程中立下功劳,故或进入王畿担任官职,或被置于边关要地,承担镇守之职。这类邦伯作为一个团体,参与周王朝的祭祀大典等政治活动,王朝则通过聘礼或劳慰等方式加强与邦伯的臣属关系。部分邦伯处于边域,叛服不定,遭受王朝的武力打击,成为周王的“王臣附庸”,供周王驱策或赏赐诸侯大臣。西周时期分封的地方诸侯对封域内的异族邦伯亦有因治之责,至迟到西周晚期,这种因治已形成一种比较成熟的模式。
Title: A Research on the Alien Clans of the Western Zhou Dynasty
Author:Wang Kunpeng, Lecturer, Faculty of Humanities, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China.
Abstract: The alien clans as a political group already existed in the Shang Dynasty. In Western Zhou Dynasty, the alien clans were in different situation. Some of them surrendered to the Zhou earlier and made contributions to the establishment of the Zhou dynasty were closely related to the Zhou rulers, holding offices in the capital or in the key places along the border. These clans were allowed to participate in national ritual ceremonies as one particular group of people. Other alien clans might betray the Zhou rulers time to time. They might suffer the military attacks of the Zhou and usually be treated as vassals. The feudal princes also had authority and obligation to manage the alien clans in their territory, which were developed into a regulation in no later than the late Zhou period.
Key words:The Western Zhou Dynasty; alien clans; ethnic groups