作者:张甲子 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:先秦诸子讨论天下责任的视角不同,体现出诸子学说的内在差异。儒家论天下责任在于圣王、圣人,提出圣王确立政统,圣人确定道统。墨家论天下责任在贤,提倡以“义”为基本原则,建立贤人政府。法家则采用选官的方式,以君治国、以官理政,以此作为实现社会责任的有效途径。
Title: Universal Responsibility and the Differences among the Pre-Qin Academic Schools
Author:Zhang Jiazi, Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024.
Abstract: The Pre-Qin thinkers contributed different opinions on the issue of universalresponsibility. The Confucians placed the universal responsibility on the hands of the sages who were supposed to establish the right political tradition. TheMohistsplaced the universal responsibility on the hands of the virtuous individuals who were supposed to lead the governments which would follow the principle of righteousness. The Legalists, on the other hand, located universal responsibility to the monarchs who were expected to lead the bureaucracy to regulate society.
Key words: Universal responsibility; Sages; Virtuous individuals; monarchs