日本江户时代的出版业 ——从庶民阅读史视角的考察

作者:张 博 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:日本江户时代,出版物进入了民众的日常生活。在庶民读者的推动下,新的信息载体“草子”应运而生。同时,大量出版以前的诸文本也因迎合庶民的阅读而改变了形式。当时社会上流通的出版物不仅传达统治者的意识或精英知识分子的主张,也开始服务于庶民的需要。从庶民阅读史的视角对日本江户时代的出版进行研究,使我们不但能了解到当时出版过程的本身,而且能考察出版所传播的情报与它的消费者之间的关系,洞悉大量出版是如何为日本社会日后的近代启蒙打下了坚实的基础。


Title: An Examination of the Publication Industry in Edo Japan through an Perspective of Commoners’ Reading History

Author:Zhang Bo, Lecturer, School of Foreign Language, Henan University, Kaifeng, Henan, 475001, China.

Abstract: In Edo era, the publications gradually went into the people’s daily life. Driven by the common readers,soshi(草子), a Japanese-style bound book, as a new information carrier emerged. At the same time, the traditional style reading texts also changed to meet the commoners’ reading needs. The publications were not only to carry on rulers and elite ideology but also to yield information that may serve the common people’s daily life. Numerous publications of Edo era lay a firm foundation for the Japanese modern enlightenment.

Key words:Reading History; Publication; Edo era; Common people’s culture;Soshi

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