
作者:梁曼容 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:中华书局点校本《明史》为诸本明史中最佳版本,然而由于《明史》卷帙浩繁,点校本中仍有一些错讹。其中的《诸王世表》是研究明代藩王的基础文献之一,有必要对其再做校订,以求信实。本文使用多种明史版本及稿本进行校勘,对于记载不同处又分别用《明实录》、王世贞《弇山堂别集》等重要明代史籍查证。通过校订,发现其中可加正误及缺失可补漏者49则,其中4则内各含2条错讹之处。


Title: On the Correction of The Chronology of Princes Compiled intheMing HistoryPunctuated and Collated by Zhonghua Book Company

Author:Liang Manrong, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract: The Ming Historypunctuated and collated by Zhonghua Book Company is the best version until now. However, becauseThe Ming Historyis a multivolume, there are still some errors in this version.The Chronology of Princescompiled inThe Ming Historyis one of the basis literature which can be used to study the princes in the Ming Dynasty, so it is necessary to collate it again. This article used 5 kinds of versions aboutThe Ming Historyfor collation, and usedThe Memoir of Ming Dynasty and Yan Shan Tang Anthologyand other important historical records in Ming Dynasty to do the textual criticism. There are 49 items with 52 errors in this article.

Key words:The Ming HistoryPunctuated and Collated by Zhonghua Book Company;The Chronology of Princescompiled inThe Ming History; Correction

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