明代士大夫的民生思想及其政治实践 ——以《明经世文编》为中心

作者:常建华 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:明朝官员的奏疏中,多有建议“民生”的内容,常使用“国计民生”一词,还以“吏治民生”讨论问题,反映出“民生”问题具有连接国家与社会的性质。儒家民本思想的核心以使民生顺遂为归宿,这一观念渗透到国家统治的模式当中,成为君德、官箴的要求。民生与国计一体两面,国家与社会为紧密相连的互动关系。吏治与民生的关系要求官员当官为民、造福一方。


Title: The Scholar-Officials’ Thoughts of the People’s Livelihood and Their Political Practice in the Ming Dynasty——Based on theCollection of Essays on Statecraft from the Ming Period

Author:Chang Jianhua, Professor, Center for Chinese Social History Studies & Collage of History, Nankai University, Tianjin, 300071,China.

Abstract: People’s livelihood issue often appeared in the government officials memorials to the throne in the Ming dynasty. The term of “the national economy and the people’s livelihood” was also frequently used and the term of “administration of officials and the people’s livelihood” was used to discuss problems, reflecting the livelihood issues had the trait of connecting state and society. The keynote of the Confucian democracy thought was to make the people’s livelihood go well. This idea permeated into the ruling mode and became the demand to monarch’s morality and official admonitions. The people’s livelihood and the national economy can not be separated. The state and the society have close interactive relationships. The relation between the administration and the people’s livelihood demand the government officials to bring benefits to people.

Key words:State and Society; Scholar-Officials; Thoughts of the People’s Livelihood;Collection of Essays on Statecraft from the Ming Period

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