作者:孙闻博 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:秦汉帝国是伴随“新地”的推展和边界的扩张而确立的。政府在派遣“新地吏”同时,往往推行徙民实边、行役戍边政策。在后来的发展中,实边较戍边更为边策所重。其原因既涉及财政、舆论,也有对防御效能的考虑。两汉时期,内地与边郡之间的差别有所扩大,影响到朝廷内外政策的差异。边郡军事负担甚巨,而且因军队屯驻造成经济残破与社会动荡。边郡维持运转,常需邻郡供给、中央调控、募民输粟及军士屯田。“文景之治”、“光武中兴”中轻徭薄赋的惠政,与边政状况直接相关。
Title: The “Xindi” of the Qin and Han Empires and the Implementation of Emigration and Garrison: On the Frontier and Inland Ideas and the Characteristics of Frontier and Inland Policy
Author:Sun Wenbo, Lecturer, The School of Chinese Classics; Renmin University of China, Beijing, 100872, China.
Abstract: The establishment of the Qin-Han empires was a process of the extension of “Xindi” and its boundary expansion. Accompanying the dispatch of the Xindi officials, government often implemented policies of emigration and garrison. The latter two was adopted at the same time and complemented each other. Yet in the subsequent development, emigration became increasingly important. It was not only due to financial concerns and public opinions, but also the defense effectiveness. In the Han Dynasty, the distinction between frontier and inland developed, thereby resulted in different characteristics of frontier and inland policy of the empire. The frontier commanderies needed external support to maintain its operation, mainly supplied by adjacent commanderies, central control, and policies to encourage people to transport grain and sergents garrison troops to develop wasteland. The political benefits of the minimal tax burden in “Wendi and Jingdi’s reign” and “Guangwu’s revival” was directly related to the political situation of the frontiers.
Key words:Xindi Officials; Emigration; Garrison; Distinction between Frontier and Inland; Frontiers Commanderies; Minimal Tax Burden