作者:葛志毅 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:本文从药物本草、医疗、食疗及导引几个层面对中国古代养生术进行了较为全面的考论,指出中国古代医药学以养生保健为主、治疗去病为辅的思想主导,是促进养生术之发达的重要原因,而养生术之发达从根本上反映了贵族阶层的社会生活需求,同时也影响及于贵族阶层某些思想文化特征之形成。
Title: A Study of the Ancient Chinese Medicine Care andDaoyinRegimen
Author:Ge Zhiyi, Professor, Department of History, Dalian University, Dalian, Liaoning, 116622, China.
Abstract: This article is aimed to provide a comprehensive study of the Ancient Chinese Regimen from the aspects such as herbal medicine, Medical Care, Diet therapy and breathe control. The ancient Chinese medicine gives priority to supplementary health care, rather than curing diseases. That is the main reason for the development ofdaoyin(导引) regimen. The advance of the Chinese medicine care anddaoyinregimen fundamentally reflect the demands of the aristocracy life style and meanwhile, influenced the aristocracy ideology and culture.
Key words:Regimen; herbal medicine; Medical Care; Diet therapy;Daoyin; immortal