杜雪飞 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:唐宋时代的商人群体是富民阶层中的重要组成部分,商人群体不断增强的财富力量和社会影响推动着中国传统社会从豪民社会向富民社会转变,这从商人群体自身财富力量的发展和因商人而改变的诸多规制可充分体现。唐宋商人群体是在国家管制经济体制下成长起来的,这种官商模式在商品经济发展初期有利于商人财富迅速扩大,但也隐藏了严重的社会后患,那就是日益强大的商人群体逐渐演变成为旧体制的忠实维护者而不是革命者。这也规定了中国古代的富民阶层不是向市民阶层转化,而是向士绅阶层转化,富民社会没有走向市民社会,而是走向了没落。
Title: The Merchant Group Representing the Wealth Strength of the Rich Class and Its limitations during the Tang and Song Eras
Author:Zhang Jinpeng, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Studies of Chinese Southwest’s Borderland Ethnic Minorities, Yunnan University, Yunnan, Kunming, 650091, China; Du Xuefei, Ph.D. Candidate, Institute of Chinese Economic History, Yunnan University, Yunnan, Kunming, 650091, China.
Abstract: The merchant group was one important part of the rich class in Tang and Song dynasties. Along with the increase of their wealth, their social influence also expanded. Therefore, this group as a strengthening force pushed the traditional Chinese society change from Haomin society (豪民社会) to a Fumin society(富民社会). We can see this change from the merchant group’s property increasing and some social regulation adjustments. However, it should be seen that the merchant group had been growing relying on government controlled economy system. Such a model of government-merchant cooperation is advantageous to the rapid property extension of merchants in the early period, but it also restrained the further development of the merchant group in later periods.
Key words:merchant group; wealth strength; government-merchant cooperation; system supports