作者:黄纯艳 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:中国中古时期经历了工商业为代表的财富力量兴起、式微和再兴,以及士族势力的起落。社会力量这一替嬗是社会经济的自然力量和国家的制度设计交互影响的结果。汉武帝新政通过打击和疏导双管齐下,消除了春秋战国以来日益膨胀的工商业力量,但其作为疏导财富力量的不限民名田政策成为士族阶层兴起的滥觞。唐朝在此前历代消解士族努力的基础上,通过科举制等制度将士族吸纳到统治秩序之中,转化为国家统治力量,完成了消解士族的过程。宋代建立了与财富力量共利分利的机制,与财富力量确立了相互依存而非对立争利的关系。历史经验表明国家处理与社会力量关系的良策就是因势利导。
Title: Change of Social Forces and State Response in the Medieval China
Author:Huang Chunyan, Professor, School of History, Yunnan University, Yunnan, Kunming, 650091; Professor, School of History, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, 200234, China.
Abstract: China’s medieval period saw the rise, decline and revival of the moneyed classes represented by the handicraft and commercial industries, as well as the rise and fall of the gentry power. These changes in social forces are results of social economy development and state policies. By means of suppression and diverting the industrial population to agriculture, the Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty eliminated the social forces of industry and commerce that had been expanding since the Warring State period. Meanwhile, the policy of removing the upper limit of private land-owning originally aimed at dispersing social wealth turned out to be a condition for the rise of the gentry class. Based on the efforts of previous dynasties, Tang Dynasty assimilated the gentry class into its political order through the imperial examination system and other institutions and thus completed the process of disintegration of the traditional gentry. During the Song Dynasty, a mechanism of sharing and distributing economic interests between the state and the moneyed classes was established, and the two formed a relationship of mutual reliance instead of confrontation and competition.
Key words:medieval China; gentry power; moneyed classes; state response