
作者:李 根 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:卡罗·金兹堡的“微观史”实践含有强烈的史学理论指向。他针对小人物心智的细致考察拓展了历史学“自下而上”的视野,发现小人物也有大智慧。这对精英史观的片面预设形成质疑,但史料匮乏使关于大众意识的历史影响的分析难以进一步深入。金兹堡强调关于小人物的意识研究应深入到文化意义上的个性化阐释,反对只关注意识共性的心态史取径,然而他将个别小人物的心智特性比附为大众群体共有的文化属性的策略有以偏概全之嫌。金兹堡批评计量方法的局限,认为基于口述材料的阐释性叙事在呈现大众文化史方面更为有效。他的论说揭示了叙事在交代细节和还原情境方面的特殊作用,明确了计量和叙事在长、短时段研究中的各自优势。总体看来,金兹堡的论说使一种多元主义的历史认识论变得较之以往更为令人信服,即历史本身是一种多相性且异质性的存在,因而不可能期待凭借单一的视角、模式、方法就彻底地对其进行解读。就此而言,历史学不应再追求自然科学式的自我整合,而是应该思考如何合理地利用更多元化的研究模式和解释工具,使不同层面、不同类型的历史事实得到解读。


Title: On the Theoretical References of Carlo Ginzburg’s Microhistory

Author:Li Gen, Lecturer, Institute for Translation of Foreign Historical Documents, School of History andCulture, Changchun Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130032, China.

Abstract: Carlo Ginzburg’s meticulous investigation to grassroots people extended historical perspectives from below and challenged the presupposition of historical elitism. Ginzburg emphasized that the research of grassroots consciousness should go deep into the cultural interpretation of individuals other than stopping on the level of common mentality. Ginzburg rejects quantitative method of historical study while proposed that interpretive narrative based on oral materials is a more effective method in the presentation of popular culture. Rather than pursuing a self-integration as natural science historians should consider how to utilize pluralist research modes and interpretive methods in their work.

Key words:Carlo Ginzburg; Microhistory; theoretical references

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