作者:肖 丽 译注
张 楠 校 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:恺撒任独裁官后在海外广泛建立殖民城安置老兵,西班牙南部的乌尔索即为其中之一。《尤利乌斯-母神殖民城法令》由恺撒生前起草、后经安东尼提交罗马元老院通过,是建立该殖民城时颁布的管理条令。该法令涉及城市运行的各个方面,包括政治体制、经济行为、宗教习俗等,是研究罗马海外殖民城和恺撒施政思想的重要史料。本文选取的是与罗马城建制相关的条款,旨在探究罗马与罗马殖民城在管理上的因袭。
Title: A Selective Translation and Commentary of Lex Coloniae Genetivae Iuliae S. Ursonensis
Author:Xiao Li, Ph. D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract: Before the assassination, Ceasar made a plan to establish a Roman colony in Urso in southern Hispania. Lex Coloniae Genetivae Iuliae S. Ursonensis, which is also called “Charter of Urso” by modern English scholars, is the law of administration issued at the very time of founding of this colony. The law including various regulations of civic operations such as political institution, economic behavior, religious custom is an original text important for the study of Roman overseas colonies.
Key words:Lex; colony; Ceasar; Urso