作者:张 佳 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:元明易代虽以统治族群变更为表征,却催生了大批汉族元遗民。本文通过勾稽诗文集中的零散史料,归纳北投元廷、遁迹僧道、力绝征辟、拒奉明廷正朔等几种汉族元遗民常见的行为方式,以展示这一群体的整体样貌。元遗民的广泛存在,致使朱明新政权面临政治合法性困境。明初许多重要史事的缘起,诸如修纂官史曲讳元季史事、制定酷法强制士人出仕、整肃民间礼俗等,均须在这一背景下才可得到恰当的解释。
Title: A Study of the Yuan Adherents with Han Ethnic Background in Early Ming Period
Author:Zhang Jia, Assistant Professor, National Institute for Advanced Humanistic Studies, Fudan University, Shanghai, 200433, China.
Abstract:The transition from Yuan to Ming resulted in a large number of Yuan adherents with a background of Han ethnic group. The existence of these Yuan adherents made the newly established Ming government to face serious legitimacy problem. This paper attempts to summarize the characteristics of these adherents by analyzing scattered historical documents. In addition, the relevance of this social group with other aspects of the early Ming politics is also examined in this study.
Key words:Yuan to Ming transition; Yuan adherents; early Ming; political legitimacy