作者:胡 宁 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:清华简《祝辞》中记述了三则以弓名为标识的祝诵之辞,以及与念诵祝辞相配合的射箭姿势,反映了战国时期弓的种类与使用情况。通过对简文的考释,可知《祝辞》中所言三弓可对应于《周礼•夏官•司弓矢》中的六弓,其命名依据是弓的形制、功能。所用之弓及使用目的不同,射姿也有区别,射姿包括站位、引弦手位和承抚手位,简文中关于这方面的记述不仅说明了弓的类型,也为我们提供了当时射箭技巧的细节信息。
Title:On the Names of the Bows in the Section “Zhuci” of the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips and the Positions to Use These Bows
Author:Hu Ning,Ph. D. Candidate,Department of History, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China.
Abstract:The section Zhuci(祝辞) of the Tsinghua collection of Bamboo Slips contains three entries about three kinds of bows, namelySugong(隋弓),Waigong(外弓),andZhonggong(踵弓), each followed by description of the postures when these bows are used. These three kinds of bows are correspondences of the six kinds of bows recorded byZhouli(《周礼》).
Key words:Bows; Tsinghua Bamboo Slips;Zhouli