作者:马卫东 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:
提 要:由于《史记》对郑子阳之难的记载存在疏漏,不少学者将《韩非子•说疑》中的太宰欣误认为《史记》中的“郑子阳”或子阳之党,进而对子阳的身份、子阳之难的内容和性质做出了一些误判。近年公布的清华简《系年》,为了解子阳之难提供了新的宝贵材料。综合分析《系年》与传世文献的相关材料,可以得知太宰欣与子阳并非一人,他们分属罕氏和驷氏家族,彼此为政敌关系。子阳之难是由罕氏的太宰欣攫取郑国政权而引发的内乱,实质上是罕氏与驷氏间、郑君与罕氏间的权力之争。
Title:A Textual Study of the Extinguishing of Ziyang's Clan in the State of Zheng
Author:Ma Weidong,Post-Doctoral Fellow, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China, and Associate Professor,Institute of Ancient Documents, Jilin University, Changchun,Jilin, 130012, China.
Abstract:Based upon section “Xinian”(系年) of the scripts on the bamboo slips collected by Tsinghua University, this paper points out that Taizai Xin(太宰欣)recorded inHanfeizi(《韩非子》)is actually not the same person as Ziyang(子阳)from the state Zheng who was mentioned byShiji(《史记》). They were political opponents from different clans. The incident of the extinguishing of Ziyang's clan was a civil strife caused by Taizai Xin for political power.
Key words:Tsinghua bamboo slips;State Zheng; the extinguishing of Ziyang's clan; Taizai Xin