
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:近来新发掘的王国维未刊来往书信,史料价值巨大,是深入了解王国维学术研究、社会生活、个人情感的重要史料。但辑注者在对这些信件进行校点整理时,存在诸多明显错误之处,从而在某种程度上降低了这些信件的史料价值。本文根据相关材料,对其中各类校点错误进行必要订正,以期尽量完整地展现这些信件的价值。

关键词:王国维 书信 校点 商榷

Title: A Critical Discussion of the Newly PublishedWang Guowei Weikan Shuxin Ji

Author:Zhu Xianlin, Post Doctoral Fellow, School of Liberal Arts, Nanjing University, Nanjing, 210046, China.

Abstract:Unpublished correspondences of Wangguo Wei(王国维) are valuable materials for academic studies. Recently a collection of these correspondences is published with punctuation and annotation. Unfortunately, many mistakes concerning punctuation and annotation can be seen in this collection. This paper provides necessary corrections to this collection.

Key words:Wang Guowei Correspondence Correction Discussion

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