
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:从《史记》到《汉书》,两汉史学发生了重要转向。《史记》上承战国遗风,亦子亦史;《汉书》下启后世正史,亦经亦史。史学从诸子化转向经学化,可以从《史》、《汉》之间的历史撰述中探察其脉络。司马迁之后,褚少孙、冯商、刘向、刘歆、班彪等对《史记》的续补构成了史学发展的主流,同时起居注、编年、职官、目录、地理、谱牒等史学门类也蓬勃发展,它们共同彰显了这一趋向。


Title: From Being Prominent Individual Thinker’s Book and History to Being Confucian Classics and History: A Study of the Historical Books fromShijitoHanshu

Author:Ma Tiehao, Lecturer, School of Literature and Law, Henan Science and Technology University, Jiaozuo, 454000, China.

Abstract:The way of writing history changed from the time ofShiji(《史记》) to the time ofHanshu(《汉书》). Inheriting the tradition of the Warring States period, Shiji has the characters of both prominent individual thinker’s books and history. Hanshu, on the other hand, enlightening the newer tradition of official histories of the later ages, has the characters of both Confucian classics and history. The change of historical writing from close to prominent individual thinker’s work to Confucian books during this period brought about significant impact to later ears.

Key words:Shiji Hanshu writing of history Confucian classics

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