提 要:西周初年的制礼作乐,经历了一个从因袭先王之乐到创制新乐的过程。因袭先王之乐的过程,可见于《逸周书•世俘篇》;创制新乐的成绩,则见于《诗经•周颂•有瞽》。通过两篇文献的对比研究,可以清晰了解周初乐制改革的情况。
关键词:《周颂》 《有瞽》 周初 乐制改革
Title: Chapter Yougu in Classic of Poem and the Musical System Reform in the Early Zhou Dynasty
Author:Fu Linpeng, Ph.D. Candidate, School of Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China.
Abstract:The establishment of the Western Zhou official ritual and musical system experienced a process from mainly following the existing traditions to being creative. The practices of following the exiting tradition could be seen inYizhou shu(《逸周书》), while the achievements of creation could be seen in chapter Yougu(“有瞽”) of Classic of Poem. A comparative study of these two materials would lead to a sounder understanding of the early Zhou official musical system.
Key words:Yizhou Shu Classic of Poem; Zhou Dynasty musical system