提 要:根据新发现的战国文字材料及学界的最新研究成果,可以重新审视《说文》作为分析字形结构的字头。这是许慎根据他所见到的战国时期六国文字、秦文字以及秦汉篆隶等文字材料构建的一个终极性的字形体系,而不是小篆,由此可以进一步探讨许慎的文字学思想。
关键词:说文 篆文 古文 籀文 小篆 字形体系
Title: A Textual Study of the Saying “Jin-xu-zhuan-wen, He-yi-gu-zhou”
Author:Zhang Shichao, Professor, School of Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, 130024, China.
Abstract:The Newly discovered materials of the Warring-states and recent results of researches, have made possible to conduct a re-examination of the character structure inShuowen Jiezi(《说文解字》). It was the final structure made by Xu Shen(许慎) based upon the different character structures appeared in the Warring-states era, which was not so called Xiaozhuan(小篆).
Key words:Shuowen Jiezi Xiaozhuan Zhouwen structure of characters