提 要:柏拉图《法律篇》中,雅典外邦人与对话者一同为虚构城邦马格奈西亚制定了一系列法律,其中部分是与农业生产生活和土地相关的法律。结合其他史料,这些法律有助于理解希腊城邦的属性。本篇译文系据伯奈特校勘本《法律篇》迻译。
Title: A Chinese Translation of the Regulations on Land and Agriculture in the Laws of Plato with a Commentary
Author:Shi Xueliang, Doctoral Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal
University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:In theLawsof Plato, Athenian Stranger and his two interlocutors legislate for a planned city Magnesia.
Some of these laws are used to regulate agricultural activities and land. With other historical evidences, they
are conducive to show some aspects of Greek polis. This translation is done based on the critical edition of
John Burnet.
Key words:Plato; theLaws; law; polis