提 要:《塔努塔蒙梦碑铭文》译注是对古代埃及第二十五王朝最后一位国王塔努塔蒙所刻写的《梦碑铭文》进行的释读和翻译,并对译文中出现的历史名词进行必要注释。该铭文真实地记录了公元前663年努比亚王朝、塞易斯王朝和新亚述帝国这三股近东地区最大的政治势力对埃及的争夺,是我们研究这一时期埃及乃至整个近东历史的首选文献资料之一,因此,对其进行翻译和注释是一项很有必要的工作。
Title: A Chinese Translation and Commentary of Dream Stela of Tanutamen
Author:Ma Yizhou, Doctoral Candidate, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jinlin, 130024, China; Guo Dantong, Professor, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jinlin, 130024, China.
Abstract:The Dream Stele of Tanutamen was inscribed in the reign of Tanutamun of the 25th Dynasty of Egypt. It recorded the struggles occurred among Nubia Dynasty, the Sais Dynasty and the Neo-Assyria Empire over Egypt in 663B.C. The dream stele was one of the most important materials for the study of the history of Egypt and the Near East in the 7thcentury B.C., and it is necessary to translate the text into Chinese with commentary.
Key words:Ancient Egypt; Tanutamen; Dream Stele; Translation and Commentary