提 要:本文从拉美西斯二世纪念铭文所载赫梯国王被法老击败的形象与其他历史文献中得出的埃及与赫梯国家的实际关系之间存在的矛盾入手,讨论这一现象形成的历史原因:正是由于古代埃及独特的历史观念,产生了“虔诚伪造”的历史编纂方式。这种对外族人以及埃及与外族关系的呈现范式自埃及史初即已出现,并逐渐形成古埃及文明关于外族的文化记忆。在新王国时期的国际交往中,随着近东各国“平等”的理念逐渐为法老所接受,埃及文献中的赫梯国王形象不仅再现,而且丰富了埃及传统的文化记忆模式的内容。
Title: On the Images of the Hittite Kings in Ancient Egyptian Records
Author:Wang Huan, Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China.
Abstract:The pharaoh defeated the Hittite king and his allies in Ramses II’s commemorative inscriptions. However, this information was disproved by the fact inferred from other historical documents such as the Egyptian-Hittite Peace Treaty. Such kind of “Pious Fraud” historiography was generated by the ancient Egyptians’ unique conception of history. The stylized representation of the foreigners and the relationship between “us” and “others” came up in the very beginning of the Egyptian history and shaped the cultural memory of the ancient Egyptian civilization gradually. In the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt, accompanied with the conception of “equality” accepted by the pharaohs, the image of the Hittite King was not only a renewal representation of the ancient Egyptian cultural memory but enriched it.
Key words:Ancient Egypt; Hittite; Foreigners; Historiography; Cultural Memory