
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:赫梯国与其附属国的关系是研究赫梯历史以及古代近东地区关系史的一个重要方面。国内外的学术研究目前多是关注这些附属国对赫梯国王的义务以及赫梯国王对其附庸的控制,但是,通过对赫梯附属条约、赫梯国王的年代记和敕令以及近东国家间的书信等文献的学习和研究,我们认为,这些附属国的独立性的研究被忽视了。本文旨在对这一问题进行初步的探讨。


Title: The Independent Aspects of the Vassals to the Hittite Kingdom

Author:Yin Weiting, Doctoral Candidate, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China.

Abstract:By signing vassal treaties with local rulers, the Hittite kings established their suzerainty over many states. Though the vassals were required to take various responsibilities to serve their Hittite overlords in different periods and many of their actions were restricted, to certain extent however, they enjoyed freedom. This kind of independence could be seen in the records of the Hittite diplomatic texts, as well as the annals and edicts of Hittite kings. This article examines the political, military, culture and diplomatic aspects of this kind of independence and explains its complexity.

Key words:Hittite kingdom; vassal states; independence

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