提 要:英语出版界普遍认为加洛林史学的崛起是加洛林法兰克人史学创造力提高改善的结果。本文则拟从书写材料的视角探讨这一问题的原因,加洛林法兰克人主要使用的书写材料——皮纸对于他们保存历史记忆的活动有着重要的影响,由于皮纸材质的不易腐烂,使得加洛林法兰克人建立在“加洛林文艺复兴”基础之上的史学成果——原创性的史作和誊抄的前代史作能够以较大的数量留传至今。
Title: On Parchment and the Conserving of the Historical Memory in the Carolingian period
Author:Zhu Junyi, doctoral candidate, Center for History of World Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:The publishing circles in the English-speaking world generally believed that the rise of Carolingian historiography was a result of Franks’ improvement of creativity in history during the Carolingian period. This paper, however, intends to discuss the same issue from the perspective of writing materials. The parchment was used by Franks as main writing materials. It played an important role in conserving memory of history in the Carolingian period. Thanks to the quality of the parchment, a large numbers of historical works dating to the time of Carolingian Renaissance could have been preserved to the present time.
Key words:memory of history; papyrus; parchment