
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:《士兵法》是拜占庭法律史上一部非常重要的法律文献。其内容涉及规范中世纪拜占庭帝国军队的纪律以及对士兵和长官违纪的处罚措施。了解《士兵法》的内容及其与其他拜占庭法律和军事文献的关系,有助于我们研究拜占庭帝国的军队组织和管理、法律沿革,及其对拜占庭文明演进的影响。自《士兵法》被发现以来,已有多位学者对其内容进行整理和译注。鉴于文本的条理清晰性与完整性,本译文依照阿什布尔纳所整理的希腊文文本进行迻译与注释,希冀可以为国内学者提供一份可参考的中文文本。


Title: A Chinese Translation and Annotation of theMilitary Codeof the Byzantine Empire

Author:Li Qiang, Doctoral Candidate, Department of History and Archaeology, School of Philosophy, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, 45110, Greece; Xu Jialing, Professor, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:TheMilitary Code or Soldier Law, as an important compilation of laws in the history of Byzantine legislation, concerns the disciplines of the army and the punitive measures to the soldiers and officials violating the disciplines. Comprehending the contents and their relations with other laws in Byzantine Empire will be conducive to the research of the organization and management of Byzantine army, the legal evolution, as well as their impacts on the evolution of Byzantine civilization. Since its discovery, the Military Code has been organized and annotated by different scholars. For the integrity and clearness of the text, this Chinese translation is based on the version of W. Ashburner.

Key words:Byzantine laws;Military Code; Penalties

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