
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:本文全面考察洪武四年中进士的120名士人的履历和授官任职情况,结合洪武初年征举人材的举措和开科取士的背景,解释洪武六年科举停罢的缘因。进而指出元末明初士人存在不乐仕进的心态,以及要面对有司征迫,中进士后授职低微等现实。


Title: A Study of the Advanced Scholars Selected in the First Civil Service Examination Event of the Ming Dynasty

Author:Hu Jixun, Associate Professor, Yuelu Academy, Hunan University, Hunan, Changsha, 410082, China.

Abstract:Based on the biographies of the 120 advanced Scholars selected in the first Civil Service Examination event of the Ming dynasty in 1371, this paper first of all analyzes their attitudes toward the newly established regime and their first positions after passing the examination. Further, by examining the early Ming policies of talented person recruitment and the first re-opening of the Civil Service Examination, this paper tries to provide an explanation to the later cease of the Civil Service Examination program in the Sixth year of Hongwu period.

Key words:Advanced Scholars; Civil Service Examination; Ming Dynasty

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