提 要:南宋出版产业持续兴旺,出版文化高度繁荣,官府、私家、民间三大出版系统各领风骚。当时的出版业分布于大部分地域,形成了杭州、福建、四川三大出版中心。雕版印刷术的发展,为南宋出版业的兴盛提供了技术上的保证,刻书数量巨大,品类繁多,四部皆有。
Title: A Textual Examination of the Publication Industry in Southern Song China
Author:Zhang Hongwei, Associate Senior Research Fellow, Institute for the Study of Forbidden City, Museum of Forbidden City, Beijing, 100009, China.
Abstract:The publication industry and related cultural activities in China during the Southern Song period reached a prosperous state. In that age, all the three publishing sectors operated by government, private collectors, and grassroots, were well developed. In terms of geographical range, there were Hangzhou, Fujian and Sichuan three major bases while all other regions saw publication activities as well. The technology of wood block printing provided the key technical vehicle for such a development.
Key words:Southern Song; publication industry; wood block print