
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:东汉列侯的推恩分封是侯爵继承制度的重要组成部分,其形式具体有两种:分户推封与另立户邑。其中另立户邑的形式更为普遍,并非迟至西晋才产生。推恩分封在始封侯生前或逝后皆有可能发生,相较而言,在始封者死后推恩是其主流。列侯的推恩分封,其主动权控制于皇帝手中,推恩获封者的爵级多数与始封侯平级,少数会有所下降。


Title: The Enfeoffment of Nobility in the Eastern Han Dynasty: A Study of the Eastern Han Inheritance System

Author:You Jia, Associate Professor, School of Humanities, Yunnan University of The Nationalities, Kunming, Yunnan, 650500, China; Zhou Bin, Professor, School of History and Culture, Sichuan University, Chengdu, Sichuan, 610064, China; Dai Weiyun, Master Student, Graduate School, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, 140742, Korea.

Abstract:The nobility enfeoffment system during the Eastern Han Dynasty involves household dividing enfeoffment and individual granting enfeoffment. The practice of individual granting enfeoffment happened more commonly than the other. The household dividing enfeoffmen could take place either when the originally granted nobility was alive, or after his death, while after one’s death was more common. The administration of this system was under the direct control of the emperors. The ranks of the feudal titles granted to the heredes were normally equal to the original ones, while some of the ranks might be lowered.

Key words:Eastern Han; nobility; inheritance system; enfeoffment

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