
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:唐代初年文坛上出现一种矛盾现象:作家写手们在理论上把南朝文学作为“亡国之音”痛加批判,而在创作实践上却又追随南朝文学的轨辙亦步亦趋,甚至踵事增华。对南朝文学既爱且恨的矛盾在这一历史阶段表现得非常普遍,其根本原因在于文学自身发展的延续性与重大社会变迁之间的不协调。


Title: On the Early Tang Contradiction of Literary Theory and Practices

Author:Zhai Jingyun, Associate Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Qingdao University, Qingdao, Shandong, 266071, China.

Abstract:In early Tang period, writers criticized the literature of the Southern Dynasties sharply in terms of theory, while in terms of practice, they actually followed the literary path of that they criticized. This paper argues that such a phenomenon happened because of the gap between the continuity of literature and the significant changes of society.

Key words:Early Tang; Literature; Society; Contradiction

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