提 要:“清浊”是中国文化的基本命题。这一命题萌芽于气论,在两汉以“轻清重浊”构成审视天人关系的基本视角,又在汉晋人物品鉴中得到广泛应用,逐渐定性为“清贵浊贱”的依据,被确立为分辨优劣的重要标准。之后,受到“文如其人”观念的影响,“清浊”成为文学品评的理论命题。
Title: The Concepts of Qing and Zhuo and Their Connection to the Character Assessment Criterion in the Han and Jin Periods
Author:Zhang Jiazi, Doctoral Candidate, Faculty of Literature, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:Qing(清,Limpid) and Zhuo(浊,Turbid) are essential terminologies in Chinese culture. Based on the theory of Qi(气,air literally and extended to describe spiritual quality), the concepts Qing and Zhuo were broadly used to assess people’s personal character during Han and Jin periods. In such a progress, Qing was taken as a major positive quality of a person while Zhuo became its opposite. In their later development, Qing and Zhuo were extended to evaluate quality of literary works.
Key words:Qing and Zhuo; Character of people; Han and Jin