提 要:怨是人之常情,亦是人之通病。自古及今因为利与情,人们心中之怨良多。孔子洞察于此,指出“怨”的产生主要是人们“放于利而行”,他以一贯之道“仁”化解“怨”,提出在原则上“以直报怨”,在方式方法上以“忠恕”之道解怨,在目的上“求仁得仁”而“无怨”。
Title: On Confucian Concepts of Repaying Complaint with Fairness
Author:Liu Hedan, Lecturer, College of Philosophy, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.
Abstract:Resentment is a natural and common feeling of mankind. Interest and affection have been causing resentments in people. Confucius points out that resentment is usually caused by desire for interest. He suggests to solve feeling of resentment relying on the way of consistent benevolence, by repaying resentment with fairness and by dealing with resentment in a manner of loyalty and forgiveness.
Key words:Confucius; complaint; profit; benevolence; fairness; loyalty and forgiveness