提 要:“三教融合”或“三教合一”曾被认为是儒释道三教在初期的冲突、争斗之后的基本发展趋势,也被看作是中国文化交流与融合的显著特征。但细察儒释道三教的各自发展理路、国家的教化政策与普通民众对三教的认识,就会发现“三教融合”或“三教合一”对三教自身而言只是一种立足自身、互相渗透吸收、谋求发展的策略,对统治者来说仅仅是一种文化政策,对民间宗教与信仰而言,则是其功利性信仰特征的反映。所以,“三教合一”的实质是被三教内部人士、统治集团,以及谋求生存的民间宗教信仰共同“创造”出来的文化舆论氛围,它不仅未能如实地反映“三教”各自发展的真实情况,也不能直接反映“三教”之间的实际关系。无论是作为哲学思想还是宗教信仰,“三教”都各自保持着自己的独立性、稳定性和持续发展性。
Title: An Critical Analysis of “the Fusion of Three Religions”
Author:Li weixiang, Associate Professor, Department of History, University of Jinan, Jinan, 250022, China.
Abstract:“the Fusion of the three religions” has been regarded as a trend and remarkable character of Chinese culture. This article argues, however, that the so-called fusion of the three religions is actually a tactic for each religious body for their respective development. It is essentially a cultural atmosphere created by the involved three religions, the ruling class, and the folk religious groups. It can not reflect the real development of the concerned religions, neither the real relationship among the three religions. The three religions actually have been holding their own independence and stability in history.
Key words:three religions; fusion of the three religions; folk religion and belief; political tactic