流变与传承 ——秦汉时期“伏日”考论

作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:“伏日”的习俗有古老的渊源,秦德公“初伏”仅指秦国第一次举行祭祀活动。作为节令的“伏日”,专指“初伏”那一天;“三伏”的具体时间受到夏至、立秋的日期和其所在“庚日”与夏至、立秋之时间间隔的影响,每年均不固定。《后汉书》所记“初令尽闭门”与《二年律令》所载“伏闭门”并不矛盾,前者只是汉和帝在执政期间初次施行。虽然在汉初和东汉都有“伏闭门”的习俗,但前者是当时政治环境与人口控制政策的产物,而后者则主要受阴阳五行思想的影响。


Title: Evolution and Inheritance: A Study ofFuriduring the Qin and Han Dynasties

Author:Wei Yongkang, Ph.D. Candidate, School of History and Culture, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin, 130024, China.

Abstract:The custom of celebratingfuri(伏日) can be traced back to the time of pre Qin period. The accurate date of furi need to be calculated according to the dates ofxiazhi(夏至) andliqiu(立秋), which would not be fixed for each year. Related records inThe Official History of Late Han DynastyandThe Second Year Decreesare accordant. The early Han custom of closing gate infuriwas due to political environment and population control, while the same custom in Late Han period was mainly based upon the belief of Yin and Yang.

Key words:Furi; Closing Gate; Han dynasty; custom

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