
作者: 时间:2016-10-11 点击数:

提 要:广平王元怀是北魏宣武皇帝的同母弟弟,他见证了洛阳政局的演变和宗室政策的转轨。这般重要的历史人物,《魏书》其本传却极简略,现今仅存一残句。校勘者历来认为此传魏收原文早已亡佚,今文乃后人增补。然若细致考查元怀与宣武帝的关系,就会发现事情绝非如此简单。元怀是孝文帝太和末年夺嫡之争的见证人和皇位潜在的有力竞争者,兄弟二人反目成仇,演绎出人间悲剧。北魏史官慑于“国史狱”,对元怀事迹中涉及宫闱隐秘者加以删改讳饰,魏收修史承袭其弊,才会产生这个问题。只有联缀相关史料及出土碑志,方能粗略勾画出元怀独特的人生轨迹,并解答元怀传记严重残阙的原因。


Title:A Complementary Study of the Biography of Prince Guangping Yuanhuai inWeishu

Author:Liu Jun, Associate Professor, Institute of Ancient Documents, Jilin University, Changchun, Jilin, 130012, China.

Abstract:Prince Guangping, namely Yuanhuai(元怀), of the Northern Wei Dynasty was a important historical figure in history, but unfortunately, his biography in the official history of the Northern Wei dynasty remains only one sentence. Many emendators believe that the original text by Wei Shou(魏收) has missing. By careful examination of the relationship between Yuanhuai and Emperor Xuanwu, as well as some unearthed materials, this paper argues that the shortage of Yuanhuai’s biography was done on purpose, because he involved in the competition for imperial throne.

Key words:Weishu; Yuanhuai; Emperor Xuanwu; biography

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